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1. Lauren's 2012 Board Statement

I accept the nomination as a candidate for the 2012 HCoop board of directors election.

I have been a member of HCoop since 2008, and I use it to host my personal Wordpress-powered site (please don't look at it too critically, I plan on redesigning it soon!). My favorite thing about HCoop is that it is a cooperative, where members can have a say in every aspect of how things are run. As a member, I have always enjoyed participating in listserve discussions on matters where I feel I can contribute something productive.

I would like to see HCoop expand its membership to include more non-technical people. I consider myself to be a fairly non-techincal HCoop member (I don't have any system administration experience, but I am comfortable developing websites and establishing hosting details for websites.), and I feel that I can add value to the HCoop Board with perspective on what kind of information and services are accessible and valuable to non-technical users.

Last year I drafted a revised public website for HCoop and this year I would like to implement it, with the general agreement of the Board and members. I feel that an improved public website could help attract new members, and expand our membership to include non-technical users.

Professionally, I have worked in the public service sector for over 10 years and from this experience, some of the skills I could use as a Board Member include effective communication, understanding the importance of considering all opinions/perspectives before coming to a conclusion, the ability to run an effective meeting, and general common sense.

Personally, I enjoy sewing, bookbinding, art, cooking, winemaking, wine drinking, camping, rock climbing, music, community, and animals. I also love the internet. I live with my boyfriend in Winters, California and we have 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 5 chickens.

2. Lauren's Contact Information


LaurenMcNees (last edited 2012-03-14 18:41:50 by laurenmcnees)