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MemberManual / GettingStarted / AfsExamples

This page contains some examples on how to solve common problems with AFS.


In these examples, <USERNAME> is your HCoop username.

Making a directory private

If you wish to make a directory within your $HOME completely private so that only you can list, read, and write, do this:

mkdir ~/private
fs setacl -clear ~/private <USERNAME> all

And then use ~/private/ for your personal data store.

Note that the -clear option causes any previously set ACLs to be removed. The <USERNAME> all part sets full access to the directory's contents to the specified user. Therefore, if you have a directory (indicated by <DIRECTORY>) in your home directory that you wish to make only accessible to you (such as ~/.ssh or ~/documents), use:

fs setacl -clear ~/<DIRECTORY> <USERNAME> all

You may also recursively set ACLs throughout a tree by using fsr. It takes the same commands as fs.

Serving a website with added privacy

If you use domtool to set up your domain, there is a way to allow system:anyuser only to list the contents of public_html without breaking your website(s). By default ACLs R and L are given. Change that in this way:

fs setacl ~/public_html system:anyuser l

Now, add all permissions for the USERNAME.daemon principal:

fs setacl ~/public_html <USERNAME>.daemon read

Be aware that this only works if you use your own domain -- if you use http://hcoop.net/~USERNAME/ to serve your files, then you must be sure that system:anyuser can read ~/public_html and its subdirectories (have permission "rl" and not just "l").

Setting the rights permissions on your ~/.domtool directory

First, check to see what the permissions are like on the ~/.domtool directory:

fs listacl ~/.domtool

If you see the line system:anyuser rl, then you are good to go, because any user can read your DomTool settings.

Otherwise, if you see the line domtool rl, then you are also OK. If you don't see these ACL lines, then you will want to run the following command to give the Domtool user read permissions on your ~/.domtool directory.

fs setacl ~/.domtool domtool read

Checking to see whether your tokens have expired

If you are encountering weird problems, then it is possible that your Kerberos tokens have expired. One simple way of checking this is to run:


If it returns without displaying any messages to the screen, you still have valid tokens. If it displays an error, when you will need to authenticate to both Kerberos and AFS again by doing:


Recursive Assignment

The fs command doesn't support recursive assignment. Instead, use fsr for that effect. For instance, fsr sa DIR user all grants all rights to user in every subdirectory (at any depth) of DIR.
