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Revision 8 as of 2007-10-24 23:37:38



This page describes the effort to bring the wiki up-to-date with respect to the new setup.


1. Context

The information on this wiki needs to be made accurate with the current setup (deleuze, mire, abulafia, etc.).

This involves:

2. Style guide

2.1. Template

Here's a basic template to apply when making new pages and revising old ones.

Description of page.  I.e.: This page describes how to filter your email using
procmail and Exim.

## Every page should have a table of contents

Remaining content of page, split into logical sections.

2.2. Section numbers

If the page is the main page, or exactly one degree away from it, then you should include the following text at the very top of the page, which turns off numbering of headings. This may be used on other pages at the discretion of those who keep the wiki up-to-date.

#pragma section-numbers off

2.3. Writing style

It would probably be best to use "you" (second-person) when writing the MemberManual.

The AdminManual (basically just a re-org of NewServerSetup) should be in third-person.

3. Personnel

MichaelOlson is in charge of this effort.

If you want to help out with a particular page or topic, please indicate this below.


Pages / topics


Parts of Non-technical administrative stuff?


Basic account usage

4. Progress