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The following 151 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
abulafia   account   accurate   administrative   all   an   and   answers   are   as   attention   Basic   be   below   bring   browse   but   by   chapters   charge   content   Contents   Context   Coop   current   date   Delete   deleted   Deleting   deleuze   describes   Dom   done   during   easy   effort   etc   examples   Examples   existing   for   get   goal   Goals   Guide   guide   have   help   historical   If   in   indicate   information   involves   is   it   likely   Love   made   main   Make   Making   Manual   Member   members   Michael   Migration   migration   Mikulovsky   mire   more   Name   need   Needing   needs   new   next   no   Non   not   obsolete   Of   of   Olson   on   ones   or   out   page   Page   Pages   pages   particular   Parts   perhaps   Personnel   please   Potter   Progress   Provide   questions   re   Re   relevant   remaining   remove   represented   respect   Rewrite   rewrite   Ryan   save   See   setup   should   sift   some   speed   start   step   stuff   Style   subpages   Table   technical   that   The   the   This   this   through   Tips   to   To   Tool   topic   topics   up   Updating   usage   useful   using   want   was   We   Welcome   which   wiki   with   work   you  

Clear message


This page describes the effort to bring the wiki up-to-date with respect to the new setup.

1. Context

The information on this wiki needs to be made accurate with the current setup (deleuze, mire, abulafia, etc.).

This involves:

2. Style guide

See StyleGuide.

3. Personnel

MichaelOlson is in charge of this effort.

If you want to help out with a particular page or topic, please indicate this below.


Pages / topics


Parts of Non-technical administrative stuff?


Basic account usage

4. Progress

We're done with the MemberManual, which was the main goal of the rewrite. The next step is to sift through the remaining pages, remove obsolete ones, and save historical ones.

RewriteGoals (last edited 2008-07-07 04:28:00 by localhost)