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The following 48 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
addresses   and   are   automation   balance   behind   Category   coop   create   critical   drive   Email   email   Empie   etc   expansion   for   Hcoop   hcoop   Homepage   ideas   Limit   listening   load   Mail   Member   Membership   net   network   of   on   ports   Potential   private   Proxy   proxy   recruitment   servers   services   Shaun   shaun   since   ssh   that   To   virtualization   we   web  

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1. Shaun Empie

Email: <shaun AT SPAMFREE hcoop DOT net>

Member of coop since 2005

Potential ideas for Hcoop:



ShaunEmpie (last edited 2013-04-16 15:23:57 by ShaunEmpie)