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The following 246 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
about   above   access   actual   Adam   afs   all   Also   alternative   always   am   an   and   any   are   aren   as   automatically   back   base   based   bash   be   beautiful   because   becomes   been   before   beneath   better   billion   bin   boot   bootloader   broken   build   burned   but   But   by   called   can   cannot   canonical   case   change   checked   code   compile   compiled   completely   config   configuration   console   copy   could   daemons   damage   days   decided   default   dev   developers   Devfs   devfs   devices   disable   Do   driver   each   easier   easy   else   enable   entirely   etc   even   everything   exist   exit   exponentially   file   files   filesystem   for   fragile   from   fs   go   good   Grab   great   hack   has   have   hcoop   How   However   idea   if   If   in   init   initial   insanity   into   is   issues   it   It   its   just   keep   kernel   kernels   last   launched   licensing   Life   life   longer   Look   magical   main   maintain   make   manpower   massively   md   Megacz   menuconfig   might   Misc   module   modules   more   mount   mounted   mounts   much   need   new   nfs   no   nontechnical   normal   not   Note   now   nowadays   null   of   off   old   on   once   openafs   Opinion   opinion   option   options   or   our   over   overmount   overmounts   own   pain   paragraph   personally   place   political   proc   process   purpose   put   ramdisks   rather   re   really   reasons   rebooting   recover   rely   remain   required   retired   root   same   save   seem   sense   simpler   simply   situation   so   some   source   statically   still   such   support   sure   system   tarball   tempfs   than   that   The   the   them   then   there   these   they   thing   This   this   though   time   times   to   true   try   two   udev   unconvinced   Unfortunately   up   use   used   useful   users   ve   via   was   way   we   whatever   will   without   working   world   would   you   your  

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1. Adam Megacz's Opinion

Look, I've been burned a billion times by the insanity of kernel modules and "initial ramdisks" (or whatever they're called nowadays). I am of the opinion that the main purpose of kernel modules is to make life easier for kernel developers, so they can try new code without rebooting. I still remain unconvinced that kernel modules are a good idea for normal users.

Life is massively simpler if you just compile your own kernel and put everything in statically. The beautiful thing about this is, if you compile the kernel statically, your bootloader is not broken, the root fs mounts and the root fs has /bin/bash, /dev/console, and /dev/null, then you can always recover from any damage. Note that if the kernel has boot-from-nfs or boot-from-afs compiled in, then all you need is a working bootloader and a kernel! If you rely on kernel modules, magical initial ramdisks, etc, the situation becomes much, much more fragile -- exponentially so if you need kernel modules (such as the md driver) to mount the root filesystem.

The above paragraph is not 100% true any longer. It used to be the case back in the good old days of devfs. However, devfs was retired for entirely nontechnical reasons (completely political/manpower-based issues) and now we have udev. Unfortunately, udev "overmounts" its own tempfs over the root filesystem's /dev, so once the system is up there's really no easy way to make sure that /dev/console and /dev/null files are in place "beneath" udev's overmount. This is a pain, but now that the world has decided on udev, there is no longer any alternative (I am personally of the opinion that a kernel hack to make these two devices "seem to" exist even if they aren't there would be a great idea). Devfs was much better because you could have it mounted automatically before process 0 (init) launched and it required no daemons or configuration files.

1.1. How to Do It

Grab the source tarball for the kernel. Do a make menuconfig, disable support for kernel modules, DO NOTHING ELSE, save, and exit. This will change all the "M" options to "*" -- it will change the default kernel config to use the same options, but to simply compile them statically rather than as modules. Unfortunately then you will need to go back in and re-enable module support because (for licensing reasons) the openafs code cannot be statically compiled into the kernel. But everything else can be.

1.2. Misc

It might make sense for hcoop to maintain a base kernel .config file, and keep a copy of the actual .config file used to build each of our kernels in some canonical place in /afs.

Also, it's a really good idea to enable access to the kernel .config file via /proc... there's an option for this, but last time I checked it was off-by-default. This is really useful, though.

StaticallyCompiledKernels (last edited 2008-07-07 04:28:21 by localhost)