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The following 54 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
bar   be   but   content   convention   detail   does   explained   Firstname   following   foo   for   h1   Headline   homepage   href   Hyper   in   input   is   its   Language   Lastname   layout   li   link   list   Markup   markup   more   my   Navigation   not   of   on   own   pages   simplified   simply   slides   Text   The   the   This   to   ul   use   used   usually   websites   wiki   Wiki   will   with  

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WikiCourse / 10 Text layout with wiki markup

Text layout with wiki markup

MoinMoin does not simply use HTML (the HyperText Markup Language usually used for websites), but its own, simplified MoinMoin Wiki Markup Language, MoinMoin's convention for the input of content.


<p>This is a link to my own homepage: <a href="/FirstnameLastname">FirstnameLastname</a></p>
<p>A list:

MoinMoin wiki

= Headline =
This is a link to my own homepage: FirstnameLastname

A list:
 * foo
 * bar

(!) The MoinMoin wiki markup will be explained in more detail on the following pages.