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Clear message


This page is for the election of the 19th Board of Directors of HCoop, Inc. Nominations shall be done in our usual wiki style. Voting shall be done through the HCoop portal. You may see last year's election results at Election2022 or summarized on the BoardOfDirectors website.

This election is governed by articles 3 and 4 of our HcoopBylaws. All current members in good standing may vote for three candidates to replace the three outgoing board members in classes 2 and 3, whose terms expire on April 11, 2022. These seats are currently occupied by Kevin Everets, Jesse Shumway, and Stephen Michel. Clinton Ebadi and Robin Templeton, in board class 1, have one year remaining in their terms.

Please list candidates to nominate below. You may nominate any current HCoop members, including yourself. Please list candidate names alphabetically by last name, and list your own name as the nominator.

Nominations may continue until March 31, 2023, 11:59 PM UTC. Voting on all candidates who have accepted their nominations shall begin on April 4, 2023 at midnight UTC and continue for one week through April 11, 2023 at 00:00 UTC.

1. Nominations

2. Candidate Acceptances

When accepting, please include a statement for why you are running, or a note that one exists elsewhere on the wiki

* StephenMichel -- I've been a little bit of a seatwarmer the past year, not doing much besides scheduling board meetings. I don't anticipate having substantially more time to put into the coop this year, but am happy to continue as a seatwarmer if a seat needs warming. For my more aspirational goals (if I somehow find more time), see my statement from running last year at Election2022.

* rvbc -- Hello, world! I am a founding member of River Valley Builder's Collective, a residential construction worker cooperative that hosts its email and website with hcoop. We have been a part of hcoop for over a year now and I feel like its time for me to lend a hand in this community. Outside of RVBC I have lived in cooperative housing for for more than a decade and serve as the current treasurer of Kalamazoo Collective Housing. Outside of my interests of cooperatives, I am a carpenter, an avid ex-professional computer programmer / hardware hacker, a passionate Fellow Worker of the IWW, a musician, and a lover of camping, hiking, and backpacking. I am not exactly sure what role I could play within hcoop yet, but I would hope to be a positive and supportive board member who can help us identify and lean into our values as a web hosting cooperative. Solidary Forever.

* KevinEverets -- I've been a board member for many years (secretary for most, interim President for 1). Happy to continue to help contribute to the HCoop however I can. Primary concerns for me are membership levels (ensuring we continue to meet the needs of membership, and provide compelling reasons for new people), improving stability (many more server reboots needed in past year than in previous years), and improving documentation (helping users take the most advantage of the coop that they can).

3. Candidate Non-Acceptances

4. Results Summary

Voting result is at: https://members.hcoop.net/portal/poll?report=80


Election2023 (last edited 2023-04-17 11:15:37 by StephenMichel)