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The following 129 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
accessed   Additionally   address   afs   after   an   and   are   as   at   authenticate   auto   automatically   available   be   board   Bot   bot   by   can   chairs   Channel   chat   closed   code   com   comes   command   commands   controlled   Coop   created   currently   details   directory   Documentation   does   email   en   endmeeting   etc   factor   first   for   from   github   guides   handled   hc   hcoop   host   html   https   in   installation   io   Irc   is   issues   libera   limnoria   linked   Linux   logs   Meet   meetbot   Meeting   meeting   meetings   Meetings   member   motivating   needs   net   network   Nick   not   of   one   Overview   packaged   page   Pleasantly   plugin   president   previously   pronovic   public   readthedocs   recorded   Recording   registered   registration   relevant   required   requires   results   sasl   secretary   Serv   so   source   stable   startmeeting   stored   summarized   support   supported   supybot   Technical   that   The   the   then   there   Those   to   upgrade   used   user   using   via   was   when   which   wiki   with   written   year  

Clear message


1. Overview

Recording of the board meetings is handled via an IRC bot which is controlled by the secretary. The president chairs the meeting, so needs to be the one that issues the first "#startmeeting" command.

Documentation (commands, installation, etc) for the bot is available at: https://hcoop-meetbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

The MeetBot was written as a plugin for limnoria Python IRC bot, which is packaged and available in Debian GNU/Linux. The source code for the MeetBot comes from https://github.com/pronovic/hcoop-meetbot (pronovic@ was previously a board member of the HCoop).

2. Technical details

libera.chat (which is the IRC network currently used to host the IrcChannel) requires user registration so one was created for "hcoop-meetbot" and registered with the NickServ there with the email address of board@hcoop.net. Additionally, SASL is required by that network (details at https://libera.chat/guides/sasl ) so SASL PLAIN is used to authenticate the bot. Pleasantly, that's supported by limnoria (and was a motivating factor to upgrade from supybot, which does not support SASL).

Meeting logs are automatically recorded by the bot when using the "#startmeeting" command, and closed and summarized after "#endmeeting". The results are stored in /afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/public_html/board/meetings with a directory (auto-created) by year. Those meetings can then be accessed via https://hcoop.net/board/meetings/ and linked from the relevant wiki page.

MeetBot (last edited 2022-04-19 15:58:57 by 108)