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The following 233 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
able   accept   Acceptable   Accepting   accepting   account   added   after   afternoon   all   All   also   among   Amount   an   and   any   anyway   are   aren   as   ask   associate   Auth   Auth2   automated   automatic   Automatically   available   bad   bank   be   bill   bitcoin   but   button   call   can   Candidates   cards   charges   Checkout   choices   client   coinbase   Coinbase   com   come   continue   conversion   converted   could   countries   course   credit   current   daily   day   digital   Direct   do   does   down   effort   Election2014   Embrace   Encourages   enter   every   fast   fee   fees   Fees   first   For   for   from   general   given   Goals   going   good   Google   had   hard   has   hate   have   here   Higher   However   however   https   if   If   implementation   implemented   implementing   in   In   integration   interest   is   it   language   late   leading   least   left   less   libraries   library   List   ll   looks   lot   low   makes   manual   market   member   members   membership   merchants   might   month   more   need   new   Non   not   number   of   ones   online   only   option   options   or   originating   our   Overstock   path   pay   paying   Payment   payment   payments   paypal   Paypal   per   Perhaps   permanently   plan   poll   possible   potential   pricing   probably   processing   processor   processors   programming   questions   really   Really   receipts   recurring   reddit   reference   Requires   requires   resistance   set   shut   simply   single   slack   slightly   small   So   so   some   soon   split   Square   stripe   Stripe   support   supports   take   than   that   The   the   Their   their   them   then   there   These   They   This   to   top   toward   transaction   transfer   transfers   treasurer   treat   two   unable   up   us   use   uses   using   vote   waiving   want   We   we   who   why   will   wish   with   With   work   wrapper   writing   you  

Clear message


In late 2013 Google Checkout shut down permanently. This has left us with only Paypal as a payment option, and some members are unable to pay us using it (or do not wish to use Paypal). So, we need a new payment processor.

The current plan is to take all of the potential payment processors and call a vote of the membership, implementing the top two choices as soon as possible.

1. Goals

For reference, Paypal charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, and slightly more for payments originating in some countries

2. Candidates

List any payment processor you might want to support here. All options will be added to a poll, and the leading ones will be implemented.

2.1. Coinbase

The good:

The bad:

2.2. Stripe

The good:

The bad:

3. Non-Candidates

These payment processors are not going to work.

PaymentProcessor2014 (last edited 2014-03-03 00:12:37 by RobinTempleton)