welcome: please sign in

Diff for "WelcomePage"

Differences between revisions 26 and 38 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 26 as of 2007-02-19 16:08:28
Size: 3563
Editor: AdamChlipala
Comment: Link DeveloperGuidelines
Revision 38 as of 2007-04-04 02:32:33
Size: 3772
Editor: dhcp-37-80
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 12: Line 12:
 * ["Election2007"]: Nominate candidates for the 2007 board election.
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 * HCOOP's [http://hcoop.net/ front page].  * HCoop's [http://hcoop.net/ front page]
Line 67: Line 68:
 * HcoopPublicity
Line 69: Line 71:
 * RegisteredAgent
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    * PrincipalsForNonHumans: policy on kerberos+pts credentials which do not correspond to humans

HCoop Wiki

This is the Internet Hosting Cooperative's space for maintaining documentation on how our services work. Everyone, including both members and non-members, is invited to create and edit appropriate pages.

If you are new to wikis, see the DefaultFrontPage.


  • ["Election2007"]: Nominate candidates for the 2007 board election.
  • NewServersSetup

  • DomtoolTwo: The next generation configuration management tool for HCoop

  • FinancingIssues: Who is willing to pay how much, when, and for what

  • PaymentPlanProposals: Ideas about payment plans to cover HCoop costs

  • ColocationPlans: Plans for our next server set-up, designed to handle more users than can fit comfortably on a single main server.

  • AdminPolicies: Draft set of formal guidelines governing the responsibilities of members tasked with administrative roles, technical and otherwise.

Getting started

Technical information

Basic account usage

Configuring shared daemons

Non-technical administrative stuff

System administration

WelcomePage (last edited 2021-02-09 21:47:10 by ClintonEbadi)