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The following 271 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
account   Account   accounts   Accumulated   Actual   add   addition   additional   adjusted   Adjusted   adjustment   ago   All   amount   an   and   anything   application   Application   Applications   are   as   Assuming   assuming   at   authorized   available   balance   balances   Bank   banking   based   be   Bearing   bearing   becomes   before   Better   billing   board   both   break   Budget   Business   business   but   can   capacity   carrying   ceiling   checking   Colocation   colocation   colos   Commercial   Console   contact   coop   Coop   Cooperatives   corporation   cost   Cost   costs   could   counts   Current   cycle   days   debt   debts   Dec   December   Deficit   deficit   Deposit   deposit   deposits   Deposits   died   disburse   discussion   do   Do   Dues   Each   Edge   eligible   enacted   End   Entire   essentially   even   Expansion   expansion   expenses   Expenses   Fargo   feasible   Files   find   for   form   Forms   fund   funding   gained   general   given   go   handle   hardware   Hardware   has   have   Hcoop   http   ideal   ideally   Ideas   If   if   in   Income   income   Increase   indicate   instead   Interest   interest   into   involving   is   it   Join   joining   known   large   later   leaving   Long   Look   looked   lower   make   Mar   may   Member   member   Members   members   might   migration   Migration   month   Monthly   months   Moving   National   ncb   needed   New   new   No   no   non   nonprofit   nonprofits   not   November   Numbers   numbers   October   of   off   often   on   only   open   or   organizations   our   Overview   paid   pay   paying   pdf   Peer1   peer1   pegged   pending   Per   per   perhaps   phone   Plan   pledge   Pledge   pledges   Pledges   Power   profit   projected   Projected   qualify   quarterly   raid   real   Real   recurring   Reduction   regard   Related   Remaining   repayment   required   resolution   Restructuring   rules   run   savings   Server   setup   share   Short   similar   slow   small   so   some   specialists   stored   storing   surplus   Surplus   Switch   tend   Term   that   The   the   them   therefore   This   this   to   total   Total   touched   toward   type   up   uploaded   use   way   We   we   website   well   Wells   What   while   with   With   within   without   would   wouldn   www   year   zero  

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1. Current Budget

1.1. Current Accumulated Deficit (up to October)


2. Migration Expenses

2.1. Migration Cost Per Member

2.1.1. Colocation

2.1.2. Hardware

3. Dues Restructuring

3.1. Overview

3.2. Short Term Increase

All numbers involving new setup are pending known colocation cost.

Assuming 161 pledges

3.2.1. Deficit

October and November would run a deficit.

This becomes a total migration deficit of ~$2000 + ~$1029 + $136.30 = ~$3165

3.2.2. End Peer1 Dec 1

4. Numbers Look Better With New Members

Each new member joining before quarterly adjustment is paying 100% toward migration debt / expansion funding.

New members therefore essentially pay for the capacity expansion required to handle them.

5. Long Term Reduction

With 300 members:

This is feasible within a year given our new hardware.

6. Related Ideas

6.1. Join National Cooperatives Bank

A while ago we looked at leaving Wells Fargo and joining the NCB, but the discussion died with no resolution. Do we qualify to have a business account with NCB? If we do we might qualify for an interest bearing checking account.

I can't find anything to indicate that we wouldn't be eligible for a business account with the NCB. [http://www.ncb.coop/uploadedFiles/Applications_and_Forms/Commercial/Business%20Deposit%20Account%20Application.pdf] is the NCB application for a business deposit account. Interest-bearing checking accounts are available to nonprofits, but "some nonprofit organizations may not qualify." The website has phone numbers for banking and nonprofit specialists, as well as a general contact form.

6.2. Moving Member Deposits to an Interest Bearing Account

We could open an account for storing member deposits into a savings or similar type of account and perhaps make a small amount of interest. Member deposits tend to not be touched often (if needed only the lower 2/3 of the balance could be stored in the interest bearing account), and so would be ideal for storing this way. What are the rules for HCoop as a non-profit corporation with regard to interest? Do we have to disburse gained interest to member balances, or could it instead go into a general use fund?

DuesRestructuring (last edited 2011-04-22 22:55:40 by ClintonEbadi)