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The following 57 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
absence   All   are   at   being   Colocation   colocation   comparable   decided   expand   expansion   Financial   for   from   goes   Hardware   here   hosting   Hosts   In   Information   information   location   machine   migration   new   of   on   Other   other   our   Peer1   plans   Potential   potential   Prospective   providers   quality   Quote   re   Regardless   related   Remaining   replies   Request   Setup   setup   Software   stay   that   the   time   to   Upgrade   Various   we   with  

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All information related to the 2009 Colocation migration goes here.

1. Information on potential new colocation providers

(In absence of replies from hosting providers that are of comparable quality to Peer1, we decided to stay at Peer1 for the time being).

2. Hardware expansion plans

Regardless of colocation location, we decided to expand our setup with 1 new machine:

3. Other

Various other information re. migration:

Migration2009 (last edited 2009-12-04 18:01:28 by DavorOcelic)